I am a bit delayed getting to this blog due to anxiety and stressful events going on around me here in Singapore. More on that later...
On to happier things.
First the obvious:
Yes, Happy Anniversary to us! November 26th marked our 14th anniversary of wedding bliss. We celebrated in the usual fashion, meaning we promised to go out sometime. I know some reading this may think we're pathetic, but this works for us. Thanksgiving time is just too busy to try and work in anniversary events and we love being together with the kids, too. Not romantic, I know. Jim did bring me these beautiful flowers!
Thanksgiving in Singapore is pretty much the same as home, except most people had someone else doing the work for them. Mr. Hoe provided cooked turkey to the vast majority of our friends in the neighborhood but we had already decided to try it for ourselves. Singapore itself does not celebrate Thanksgiving, and it is not a public holiday over here. Our kids were off school Thursday and Friday as expected from an American school, but the dads had to take a day off work in order to be at home.
We finally grew up this year and made the entire Thanksgiving meal* all by ourselves. Our menu: Turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, corn casserole, Waldorf salad, Granny's homemade noodles, rolls, and homemade pumpkin pie.
* I take that back. I totally cheated and ordered stuffing from the Club. We vowed next year to learn how to make our own stuffing, too.
I made the pie on the Tuesday night before the holiday. The rest we did the day of Thanksgiving. We were very happy with our results! Here is Jim carving the turkey:

Here we are in front of the buffet:
Here is Jim working off the turkey tryptophan:
Here's the pie! Thanks to my sister for the crust recipe! :
Later that night, I put in the classic The Sound of Music and we all snuggled up to enjoy the show. John fell asleep 3/4 of the way into the show, but he said the next day that he really liked "those kids". I also found out, with the help of Wikipedia, that Georg and Maria share our wedding anniversary! Isn't that funny?! They also didn't hike over mountains to escape. They took a train to Italy. If they had hiked over the mountains from Salzburg, they would have ended up in Germany.
Friday after Thanksgiving: A twofer Blog...aren't you lucky!
Friday morning we packed up some waters and headed to MacRitchie Reservoir for a hike. It's a vast area of protected jungle with a large lake in the middle. There are two (or more) ways to hike into an area that has a suspension bridge. We opted for the shorter path from Venus drive.
We walked through jungle and it was really rather pleasant in the shade. After an hour we came upon the bridge:
It's a one way walking bridge, giving you an eyeful of canopy. John was thrilled to make it and once we got here he decided the long, hot walk was all worth it. Of course they wanted to spend time on the bridge, but that isn't possible when you have other people waiting to go across.
As we walked across and were nearly to the other peak, John spotted our first monkey that wasn't related to us:

At least, we hope he's not related. Luckily, he wasn't interested in us. We scurried by him and circled back to the Venus drive. All total, the walk was 4 miles and 2 hours.
We made it home, showered, and spent the rest of Friday decorating:
If you'll notice in the background, we put on the classic Santa Clause is Coming to Town. John paid particular attention and asked many questions. We are enjoying this year as it may be Santa's last.
Up next: The Airport that is Singapore