Thursday, August 7, 2008

Return to Spore.

So I've done it.  I've finally called Singapore by it's more familiar nickname, Spore.  I've tried to pass it off as Sing to myself and even managed to make Sing the nickname of choice among my friends, but let's call a spade and spade.  Spore just fits so much more appropriately.

We're back from summer home leave.  I still won't say "we're home".  It's not home.   It never will be.  I came to that more clearly over the summer after about 2 weeks away from here and I decided I didn't want to come back.


What the .........?  I really, really liked it here last spring.  I really, truly enjoyed our time here in March, April and May.  I wasn't even sure I wanted to go home on summer leave!  I was enjoying myself too much.  I sincerely wonder if I would have chosen to go home at all if the majority of folks didn't already clear out every summer like clock-work.   But I did.  And I came to be so happy at home again.  One big ball of comfort and ease again.  Parking lots instead of parking decks.  A huge yard with forest creatures instead of slate and chlorine and mosquitos.  Target.  Need I say more???

I cried.  I got it out.  I had to put on my resolute face that I have to at least finish this out for one more year.  Then I can re-evaluate the situation.  

And here we are!

And I'm happy again!  The sky is annoyingly cheerful with sun!  The flowers are blooming everywhere and the palm trees are still in my front "yard"!  The kids and I have eaten lunch at the club twice this week and saw friends that I was so excited to see again!  I missed this!

Return to Spore.  It's much easier than I thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad that you are back safe and sound and readjusting. I know how you feel, but I believe that home is where your family is. I am sure it is nice to have the 5 of you back together again. It was so great seeing you this summer. Keep in touch, I know that is easier said than done. Take Care.
Love Ya! Dana