Friday, October 3, 2008


I'm so tired and I have to pack for China!

Ugh!  It's not right!  Why do I have to pack for 4 and Jim only has to worry about himself.  I'm so over it.  Grrrrrrr.  I just want to sleep!

I'm just too tired and fighting a cold (probably walking pneumonia) and don't have the energy tonight.

When I was in line to pick up our visas, I was looking around the DMV-esque room and taking it all in.  The embassy has an entire wall made of stone that is carved into a Chinese mountainside with waterfalls and Chinese-looking trees and it is just gorgeous.  I stood looking it over closely, getting more and more excited about the trip.  Will the views from Mutianyu be as glorious as I've read?  I was imagining the family running and playing along the wall and stopping to take pictures with the breeze gently blowing.

Then the older "Auntie" hocked a lougie on the floor of the Embassy right in front of me and brought me crashing back to reality.  I will still be in a foreign country where things like spitting anywhere and everywhere is perfectly normal.  Huh.

Somebody go pack for me.  I'm having a glass of whine. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tho this post is now years :) old, I had to comment. Such a classic Singapore Expat Wives Day you had!

Anyway, I'm reading your blog and taking notes as we prepare to take our Beijing trip. I'm feeling VERY lucky that you are such a good documentor!!! Thanks!

Miss you, xo, sue