Thursday, July 30, 2009

Packing up!

It's almost that time again. "Going back" time. Even though we leave in just over a week, I am already doing the pre-packing thing. Do you do this? I pack in my head. The suitcases are out, and in some cases, already filling, but I haven't packed a stitch of our clothing yet. I've packed it in my mind several times over. Luckily, it all fits!

Got more news from Singapore friends. Dear friend Leslee and family will not be returning this year. This was a shock to us (and to them!) and will be an adjustment for Jim as he is good friends with their son, David. I think John will miss one of his favorite girls as well. Yesterday I lamented and was really down again about the whole experience. It certainly doesn't seem to be living up to what I had hoped it to be. And yet, I do think we've gained so much by our short stint so far. I need to learn to give it up to God and ride that tandem bike. Right, Leslee? ;-) These ups and downs are doosies, though! I don't think I can take much more!

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